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Exhaustive list of git repositories related to Stash Google Sheets document.

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Stash userscripts


Make sure your instance URL is declared in @match.

Displays a carousel of performer images in the header.


Stash Checker is an userscript for porn websites to check if a Scene/Performer is in your Stash instance. It shows a checkmark if an item was found in your Stash. Hovering over the checkmark gives you a tooltip with information about the item in your Stash.


Automate batch creation and tagging

stash-box userscripts

stash-box compatability

Sometimes just updating @match is enough to make the userscript to work on a different stash-box instance. But it's not a guarantee.


Adds Noto Color Emoji to stash-box instances

FansDB Submission Helper

  • Adds button to add all unmatched aliases to performer
  • Adds button to add all unmatched urls to performer
  • Adds button to add all unmatched measurements to performer (if they match expected formats)
  • Convert unmatched urls from regular strings to linked strings


StashDB Submission Helper

  • Adds button to add all unmatched aliases to performer
  • Adds button to add all unmatched urls to performer
  • Adds button to add all unmatched measurements to performer (if they match expected formats)
  • Convert unmatched urls from regular strings to linked strings



add character-by-character diff for stashdb

add chips to links in edit queue


adds relative dates to stashdb


Remove scenes from loaded studios on

Studio Image Blur for StashDB

Blurs images from specific studios on StashDB scene cards, based on studio name and img src

Utility userscripts

There are some userscripts that might be useful to Stash users, but does not directly involve Stash or stash-box instances.


unblur all twitter sensitive media post

PMVHaven AutoDL

Dashboard to simplify PMV downloading on PMVHaven

SpankBang AutoDL

Dashboard to download all a user's videos on SpankBang

SpankBang Frontend Scraper

Use in Stash to scrape Spankbang from the browser, bypassing cloudflare issues

LifeSelector unblur

Unblur LifeSelector website

redgifs autosettings

Auto Unmute / Play / HD redgifs

Stash-TMDB Sync/Scraper

Sync Button in TMDB Create Movie/Performer in Stash and Update performer missing info.