Keyboard Shortcuts
Table of Contents
- Global shortcuts
- Global Navigation
- Query page shortcuts
- Scenes page shortcuts
- Scene page shortcuts
- Scene Markers tab shortcuts
- Edit Scene tab shortcuts
- Movies Page shortcuts
- Movie Page shortcuts
- Markers Page shortcuts
- Performers Page shortcuts
- Performer Page shortcuts
- Edit Performer tab shortcuts
- Studios Page shortcuts
- Studio Page shortcuts
- Tags Page shortcuts
- Tag Page shortcuts
Global shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
? | Display manual |
Global Navigation
Keyboard sequence | Target page |
g s | Scenes |
g i | Images |
g v | Movies |
g k | Markers |
g l | Galleries |
g p | Performers |
g u | Studios |
g t | Tags |
g z | Settings |
Query page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
/ | Focus search field / focus query field in filter dialog |
f | Show Add Filter dialog |
r | Reshuffle if sorted by random |
v g | Set view to grid |
v l | Set view to list |
v w | Set view to wall |
+ | Increase zoom slider |
- | Decrease zoom slider |
← | Previous page of results |
→ | Next page of results |
Shift + ← | Go to current results page -10 |
Shift + → | Go to current results page +10 |
Ctrl + Home | Go to first page of results |
Ctrl + End | Go to last page of results |
s a | Select all on page |
s n | Unselect all |
e | Edit selected |
d d | Delete selected |
Scenes page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
p r | Play random scene |
Scene page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
a | Details tab |
q | Queue tab |
k | Markers tab |
i | File info tab |
e | Edit tab |
h | History tab |
, | Hide/Show sidebar |
. | Hide/Show scene scrubber |
o | Increment O-Counter |
p n | Play next scene in queue |
p p | Play previous scene in queue |
p r | Play random scene in queue |
Space | Play/pause player |
Enter | Play/pause player |
← | Seek backwards by 10 seconds |
→ | Seek forwards by 10 seconds |
Shift + ← | Seek backwards by 5 seconds |
Shift + → | Seek forwards by 5 seconds |
Ctrl/Alt + ← | Seek backwards by 1 minute |
Ctrl/Alt + → | Seek forwards by 1 minute |
{1-9} | Seek to 10-90% duration |
[ | Scrub backwards 10% duration |
] | Scrub forwards 10% duration |
↑ | Increase volume 10% |
↓ | Decrease volume 10% |
m | Toggle mute |
l | A/B looping toggle. Press once to set start point. Press again to set end point. Press again to disable loop. |
Shift + l | Toggle looping of scene when it’s over |
Scene Markers tab shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
n | Display Create Markers dialog |
Edit Scene tab shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
r {1-5} | Set rating (stars) |
r 0 | Unset rating (stars) |
r {0-9} {0-9} | Set rating (decimal - 00 for 10.0 ) |
r ` | Unset rating (decimal) |
s s | Save Scene |
d d | Delete Scene |
Ctrl + v | Paste Scene cover |
Movies Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
n | New Movie |
Movie Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
e | Edit Movie |
s s | Save Movie |
d d | Delete Movie |
r {1-5} | [Edit mode] Set rating (stars) |
r 0 | [Edit mode] Unset rating (stars) |
r {0-9} {0-9} | [Edit mode] Set rating (decimal - r 0 0 for 10.0 ) |
r ` | [Edit mode] Unset rating (decimal) |
, | Expand/Collapse Details |
Ctrl + v | Paste Movie image |
Markers Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
p r | Play random marker |
Performers Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
n | New Performer |
p r | Open random Performer |
Performer Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
c | Scenes tab |
e | Edit tab |
o | Operations tab |
f | Toggle favourite |
, | Expand/Collapse Details |
Keyboard sequence | Action |
s s | Save Performer |
d d | Delete Performer |
Ctrl + v | Paste Performer image |
Studios Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
n | New Studio |
Studio Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
e | Edit Studio |
s s | Save Studio |
d d | Delete Studio |
, | Expand/Collapse Details |
Ctrl + v | Paste Studio image |
Tags Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
n | New Tag |
Tag Page shortcuts
Keyboard sequence | Action |
e | Edit Tag |
s s | Save Tag |
d d | Delete Tag |
, | Expand/Collapse Details |
Ctrl + v | Paste Tag image |