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UI Plugin API

The PluginApi object is a global object in the window object.

PluginApi is considered experimental and is subject to change without notice. This documentation covers only the plugin-specific API. It does not necessarily cover the core UI API. Information on these methods should be referenced in the UI source code.

An example using various aspects of PluginApi may be found in the source code under pkg/plugin/examples/react-component.



An instance of the React library.


An instance of the ReactDOM library.


This namespace contains the generated graphql client interface. This is a low-level interface. In many cases, StashService should be used instead.


libraries provides access to the following UI libraries: - ReactRouterDOM - Bootstrap - Apollo - Intl - FontAwesomeRegular - FontAwesomeSolid - FontAwesomeBrands - Mousetrap - MousetrapPause - ReactSelect


This namespace contains methods used to register page routes and components.


Registers a route in the React Router.

Parameter Type Description
path string The path to register. This should generally use the /plugin/ prefix.
component React.FC A React function component that will be rendered when the route is loaded.

Returns void.


Registers a component to be used by plugins. The component will be available in the components namespace.

Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the component to register. This should be unique and should ideally be prefixed with plugin-.
component React.FC A React function component.

Returns void.


This namespace contains all of the components available to plugins. These include a selection of core components and components registered using PluginApi.register.component.


This namespace provides access to the NavUtils and StashService namespaces. It also provides access to the loadComponents method.


Due to code splitting, some components may not be loaded and available when a plugin page is rendered. loadComponents loads all of the components that a plugin page may require.

In general, PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents hook should be used instead.

Parameter Type Description
components Promise[] The list of components to load. These values should come from the PluginApi.loadableComponents namespace.

Returns a Promise<void> that resolves when all of the components have been loaded.


This namespace provides access to the following core utility hooks: - useSpriteInfo - useToast

It also provides plugin-specific hooks.


This is a hook used to load components, using the PluginApi.utils.loadComponents method.

Parameter Type Description
components Promise[] The list of components to load. These values should come from the PluginApi.loadableComponents namespace.

Returns a boolean which will be true if the components are loading.


This namespace contains all of the components that may need to be loaded using the loadComponents method. Components are added to this namespace as needed. Please make a development request if a required component is not in this namespace.

This component also includes coarse-grained entries for every lazily loaded import in the stock UI. If a component is not available in components when the page loads, it can be loaded using the coarse-grained entry. For example, PerformerCard can be loaded using loadableComponents.Performers.


This namespace provides methods to patch components to change their behaviour.


Registers a before function. A before function is called prior to calling a component's render function. It accepts the same parameters as the component's render function, and is expected to return a list of new arguments that will be passed to the render.

Parameter Type Description
component string The name of the component to patch.
fn Function The before function. It accepts the same arguments as the component render function and is expected to return a list of arguments to pass to the render function.

Returns void.


Registers a replacement function for a component. The provided function will be called with the arguments passed to the original render function, plus the next render function as the last argument. Replacement functions will be called in the order that they are registered. If a replacement function does not call the next render function then the following replacement functions will not be called or applied.

Parameter Type Description
component string The name of the component to patch.
fn Function The replacement function. It accepts the same arguments as the original render function, plus the next render function, and is expected to return the replacement component.

Returns void.


Registers an after function. An after function is called after the render function of the component. It accepts the arguments passed to the original render function, plus the result of the original render function. It is expected to return the rendered component.

Parameter Type Description
component string The name of the component to patch.
fn Function The after function. It accepts the same arguments as the original render function, plus the result of the original render function, and is expected to return the rendered component.

Returns void.

Patchable components and functions

  • App
  • BooleanSetting
  • ChangeButtonSetting
  • CompressedPerformerDetailsPanel
  • ConstantSetting
  • CountrySelect
  • DateInput
  • ExternalLinkButtons
  • ExternalLinksButton
  • FolderSelect
  • FrontPage
  • GalleryIDSelect
  • GallerySelect
  • GallerySelect.sort
  • HoverPopover
  • Icon
  • ImageDetailPanel
  • LoadingIndicator
  • ModalSetting
  • GroupIDSelect
  • GroupSelect
  • GroupSelect.sort
  • NumberSetting
  • PerformerAppearsWithPanel
  • PerformerCard
  • PerformerCard.Details
  • PerformerCard.Image
  • PerformerCard.Overlays
  • PerformerCard.Popovers
  • PerformerCard.Title
  • PerformerDetailsPanel
  • PerformerDetailsPanel.DetailGroup
  • PerformerIDSelect
  • PerformerPage
  • PerformerSelect
  • PerformerSelect.sort
  • PerformerGalleriesPanel
  • PerformerGroupsPanel
  • PerformerImagesPanel
  • PerformerScenesPanel
  • PluginRoutes
  • SceneCard
  • SceneCard.Details
  • SceneCard.Image
  • SceneCard.Overlays
  • SceneCard.Popovers
  • SceneIDSelect
  • ScenePage
  • ScenePage.Tabs
  • ScenePage.TabContent
  • ScenePlayer
  • SceneSelect
  • SceneSelect.sort
  • SelectSetting
  • Setting
  • SettingModal
  • StringSetting
  • StringListSetting
  • StudioIDSelect
  • StudioSelect
  • StudioSelect.sort
  • TabTitleCounter
  • TagCard
  • TagCard.Details
  • TagCard.Image
  • TagCard.Overlays
  • TagCard.Popovers
  • TagCard.Title
  • TagLink
  • TabTitleCounter
  • TagIDSelect
  • TagSelect
  • TagSelect.sort
  • PluginSettings
  • Setting
  • SettingGroup


Allows plugins to listen for Stash's events.

PluginApi.Event.addEventListener("stash:location", (e) => console.log("Page Changed",