Embedded Plugins

Table of Contents
  1. Supported script languages
  2. Javascript plugins
    1. Plugin input
    2. Plugin output
      1. Example #1
      2. Example #2
      3. Example #3
    3. Logging
  3. Plugin configuration file format
    1. exec
    2. interface
  4. Javascript API
    1. Logging
    2. GQL
      1. Example
    3. Utility functions

Embedded plugin tasks are executed within the stash process using a scripting system.

Supported script languages

Stash currently supports Javascript embedded plugin tasks using goja.

Javascript plugins

Plugin input

The input is provided to Javascript plugin tasks using the input global variable, and is an object based on the structure provided in the Plugin input section of the Plugins page. Note that the server_connection field should not be necessary in most embedded plugins.

Plugin output

The output of a Javascript plugin task is derived from the evaluated value of the script. The output should conform to the structure provided in the Plugin output section of the Plugins page.

There are a number of ways to return the plugin output:

Example #1

(function() {
    return {
        Output: "ok"

Example #2

function main() {
    return {
        Output: "ok"


Example #3

var output = {
    Output: "ok"



See the Javascript API section below on how to log with Javascript plugins.

Plugin configuration file format


For embedded plugins, the exec field is a list with the first element being the path to the Javascript file that will be executed. It is expected that the path to the Javascript file is relative to the directory of the plugin configuration file.


For embedded plugins, the interface field must be set to one of the following values:

  • js

Javascript API


Stash provides the following API for logging in Javascript plugins:

Method Description
log.Trace(<string>) Log with the trace log level.
log.Debug(<string>) Log with the debug log level.
log.Info(<string>) Log with the info log level.
log.Warn(<string>) Log with the warn log level.
log.Error(<string>) Log with the error log level.
log.Progress(<float between 0 and 1>) Sets the progress of the plugin task, as a float, where 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%.


Stash provides the following API for communicating with stash using the graphql interface:

Method Description
gql.Do(<query/mutation string>, <variables object>) Executes a graphql query/mutation on the stash server. Returns an object in the same way as a graphql query does.


// creates a tag
var mutation = "\
mutation tagCreate($input: TagCreateInput!) {\
  tagCreate(input: $input) {\

var variables = {
    input: {
        'name': tagName

result = gql.Do(mutation, variables);
log.Info("tag id = " + result.tagCreate.id);

Utility functions

Stash provides the following API for utility functions:

Method Description
util.Sleep(<milliseconds>) Suspends the current thread for the specified duration.