
Table of Contents
  1. Stash_helper
  2. stash-vr
  3. stash-vr-companion
  4. stash-webvr
  5. stash-compilation-maker
  6. ClipMash
  7. stash-qmt
  8. Stash App for Android TV

Utilities are other external applications that utilise or interact with Stash in some way.

These utilities are created by third parties and not officially affiliated or supported by the core Stash team. If you have issues, please reach out to the original creators.


Category Companion
Utility Stash_helper
Description Adds some helping features to Stash (Bookmarks, playlist, external player… etc).
Author philpw99


Category VR
Utility stash-vr
Description Watch your stash library in VR.
Author o-fl0w


Category VR
Utility stash-vr-companion
Description Similar to stash-deovr as above but designed as a web app that sits in a docker container next to stash to make it easier to use and add more functionality.
Author Tweeticoats


Category VR
Utility stash-webvr
Description WebVR friendly Stash client that displays only videos tagged with “Virtual Reality” tag.
Author stishadmin


Category Markers
Utility stash-compilation-maker
Description Connects to your Stash instance and creates simple compilation videos from scene markers. You select one or more tags, or one or more performers and it will take (currently) the first 15 seconds of video after the marker start and compile all of the markers into one video.
Author soundchaser128


Category Compilations
Utility clip-mash
Description Video editing app that allows you to automate creating compilations from multiple videos. It runs in your browser. It’s mostly made for, ahem, adult content, which is why it can connect to Stash and fetch videos and scene markers from there to guide the video creation process. You can also use local files and set the markers in ClipMash itself and then generate a compilation based on that.
Author soundchaser128


Category Tags
Utility stash-qmt
Description stash-qmt (quick manual tagger) is a simple GUI tool designed to help with cases of manually tagging multiple similar scenes (manually, as in, with having to actually watch them) in Stash.
Author PokerFacowaty

Stash App for Android TV

Category TV
Utility StashAppAndroidTV
Description A basic Android TV app for browsing and playing videos from a Stash server. Not all features of Stash are supported, but the basics for browsing, searching, and playing scenes should work. The app is not intended to perform administrative functions such as scanning, scraping, or editing details.
Author damontecres